Sunday, May 24, 2009

Learning to Fall

I was sitting in my front room watching my new little nephew learn to walk. He would start by hoisting himself onto his hands and knees. Then using his forehead and hands he would push himself up to his feet, teeter back and forth and then fall. No less than .76 seconds later he would be right back at it hoisting, lifting and undoubtibly falling on his face. As the rug burns continously grew larger and larger I could see his frustration slowly grow. Then, after the 1,059th try he stood for 8 seconds, took one step and fell once more. However, with that one step, that one tiny victory, all the frustration from the previous tries was washed away.

I've always heard that we must be like a little child. But, for the first time, I started to take it to heart. If this little kid, who has no experience teaching him that he will in fact be able to stand up and walk, keeps trying then why on earth wouldn't I keep getting up after I fall?!

Looking back on my life I can see clearly those few moments that I have, without a second thought, immediately worked on getting right back up. But, I can also see those times in my life when I let fear, frustration and pride get in the way of my progression. I am grateful for both types of experiences because I have learned about myself and what type of person I would like to become.

So, as I start this whole new blog process I would like to dedicated to you and myself that I will strive to be the person who will continue to stand up, full of faith after every fall.

Rachel :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Rachel! Despite the fact that this tells you that my name is Brillig, this is actually your old neighbor Anne. Haha. I saw on facebook that you started a blog, and since blogging is sorta what I do (professionally) I thought I'd hop over and say "hi!" Then I read this post and I thought, gorgeous. She needs to submit this to! Your first post, and I'm already dying to get my hands on it! So, yeah. Lemme know if you're interested. And, um, write another post sometime... cuz you're great at this!
